How-To Clean Your Microfiber Couch Cheaply And Easily Especially For A Very Dirty Couch

 Microfiber is a very popular fabric. It became popular in production around the early to mid to late1990's and early 2000's. The fabric is synthetic and contrary to some information, it is easy to clean, which is why it was developed for furniture in the first place.

You can use just about any upholstery shampoo to clean microfiber as long as you follow the steps I am about to outline to reduce residue and re-soiling. We have developed an easy way to clean microfiber that is low cost and produces good cleaning results, and works especially well for heavily soiled couches and furniture.

Step #1 Vacuuming: Start by vacuuming your couch cushions, arms, back rest and under all the cushions if they come out.

Step #2 Fill Up Buckets: Get (2) buckets and fill one of the buckets with clear hot water, the other bucket with hot water and a good quality upholstery shampoo.

Step #3 Shampoo: Use a good quality long handled upholstery brush and create suds and foam in your shampoo bucket. Use the suds and foam with the brush and work it into the couch upholstery. Start with the seat cushions and work your way around the sofa, top to bottom. Extra brushing may be needed on spots and stains. The shampoo will work the fabric and release the soils.

Step #4 Rinsing: After you finish the shampoo step, rinse your shampoo brush and alternate brushing the fabric with clear water with wiping the fabric clean with some microfiber cloths. This will work out all the remaining shampoo in the fabric as well as the microfiber cloths absorbing any additional soils.rug cleaning couch cleaning lounge cleaning service Tips For Cleaning Your Couch Cushion Cleaning - Get the Job Done Right Tips for Couch Cleaning and Restoration Carpet Cleaning Chatswood Couch Cleaning Tips for Darling Point Couch Cleaning In Bellevue Hill Couch Cleaning Centennial Park Couch Cleaning Cremorne Point Couch Cleaning Darling Harbor Couch Cleaning Darling Point couch cleaning Dee why couch cleaning Double Bay couch cleaning Dover Heights couch Cleaning Penrith couch cleaning Redfern couch cleaning Surry hills You will be surprised at how dirty the water will become.

Step #5 (Optional) Fabric Protector: Now that you have your microfiber couch clean, you will want to protect it with fabric protector. Put a fan near the couch to dry the fabric.

Presto! You did it. Your microfiber couch is now clean again. This is the most low cost method we know of that can produce good cleaning results for someone with upholstery. Some of these supplies you might already have around the house.

John McTighe has 15 years of experience in the cleaning and maintenance business.


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